The icons beside an appointment booking help you quickly recognize key information about your patients and navigate their records.
Appointment Drop-Down Menu
On the right side of the patient’s name you’ll find a drop-down menu with the following quick navigation links:
1. Master Record
Brings you to the patient’s master record which contains the patient demographic, appointment alerts, contact info, family relations and other important patient details.
2. Encounter
Also represented by the letter E to the right of the patient name. Selecting encounter brings you to the patient’s eChart.
3. Rx
Brings you to the patient’s drug profile. This is also accessible through the patient’s eChart.
4. Print Label
Selecting will open a new window displaying a label with the patient’s information on it, ready to print.
5. Intake
Selecting intake will bring you to a window where the patient’s vitals can be recorded. The information can be submitted directly to the eChart and recorded in the encounters.
6. Billing
Also represented by the letter B to the right of the patient's name. Selecting billing will bring you to the billing page for that patient where a new billing claim can be made and the patient’s billing history viewed.
💡 If you have any favourite eForms set, you will see them appear below the above-mentioned items in the drop-down menu.💡
Appointment Icon Index
There are also icons to the left of the patient's name to inform providers of key patient information.
1. Appointment Reminder
This icon shows that a reminder has been sent to the patient. By hovering over the icon, you can see the reminder details.
2. Modality
The appointment modality (In Person, Phone, Video) will be indicated by the appropriate icon.
3. Appointment Type
The appointment type is indicated by a coloured tag icon. These tag colours can be set when creating custom appointment types.
4. Health Card Validation
The card icon indicates the validity of the patient’s health card. If the icon appears red, the health card is not valid. If the icon is green, the health card is valid.
5. Tickler
The tickler icon indicates that there are outstanding ticklers for the patient.
6. Prevention Alert
A prevention alert icon will appear if the patient has any overdue preventions.
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