Sending and receiving referrals online is a great way to save time, make sure your patients are quickly seen, and reduce the administrative burden of tracking referrals.
This can all be done right from your Avaros EMR with integrated Ocean eReferrals.
What You'll Need to Get Started
1. Create your Ocean Account - If you don't already have an Ocean account set up for your Clinic, you can set one up by following the steps in the Ocean Getting Started Guide, here.
2. Activate your Ocean Toolbar - To use Ocean, you'll need to turn on your Ocean toolbar which appears in a patient's eChart. If you do not see the Ocean toolbar when entering a patient's eChart, please contact to have the toolbar turned on.
3. Enter your Ocean Credentials in Avaros - After the Ocean toolbar has been activated, login to Avaros and open any patient's eChart. Maximize the Ocean toolbar, click 'Settings', 'Intitial configuration', then enter your Ocean credentials, encryption key (which was given to your when you created your Ocean account), and site ID (can be found under your account in the top right corner in Ocean).
After setting up your toolbar, in Ocean, add Avaros as a user by going to the Ocean portal then clicking 'Menu' → 'Admin' → 'Users' → 'Invite Users to this Site' and invite so we can help with your setup. After we've accepted the invitation, you'll need to return to the 'Menu' → 'Admin' → 'Users' section in the Ocean portal and check the "Admin" checkbox besides the Avaros User.
4. Once you have completed the above steps, please contact so we can reach out to Ocean to complete the last step of the connection.
Test Your Connection
If you now open the Ocean eForm from a patient's chart, you can see the patient has successfully synced to Ocean and a unique Ocean identifying number for that patient displayed on the eForm.
How to Add Other Clinic Staff to Ocean
If you have many providers and administrators who are interested in using Ocean, each of them will have to be added to your Ocean clinic site. To do this, log into Ocean and go to 'Administration'
→ 'Users' → and select 'add users to this site'.
This will send an email invitation to the user who would like to be added to the clinic Ocean site. From this email, the user can either create a new account from scratch (if they don't have an Ocean account) OR login to their existing Ocean account to link it to the clinic.
Once they are linked to the clinic Ocean account, they can access the Ocean portal in Avaros, where they will be prompted to login, and begin using Ocean!
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Sending an eReferral with Ocean
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